The Other Me
‘Hello, Panic, My Old Friend’ ii. Dean had a party one night and invited Stan and me along. It sounded like just what I needed – a day out to have a good time, not have to worry about anything. But I didn’t feel right from the moment I went – hot, stuffy, my head clogged. I thought once I got there, I could relax, get into things. I didn’t. Instead, I became increasingly uncomfortable. The room swayed and now it was stifling. It was summer and warm outside, but not like this. My clothes smothered me. Dean and Stan started to drink. I decided to hold off until my…
The Other Me
‘Life’s Short Interruption: Part I’ iii. It had always been Stan and me, but we’d always had different groups of friends. When we were younger, it’d been high school friends. Then it was with guys who lived in my street. Next were Roo and his friends. Then it was Tim and Jay, who we knew from high school. The crowd kept changing, although I was never sure why. We were just nomadic. Now, it became a combination of people as Tim and I started an indoor cricket team, a decision made on a whim. Tim and I went to the Indoor Cricket Sports Centre one day, registered a team, and…