Space Force
This is going to be a review in two halves. Originally, I was going to watch only a handful of episodes of Space Force to be fair in providing a review. But then it became one of those shows where I was hooked to see what storytelling atrocity it would commit next. I hadn’t seen anything so bad on television since Star Trek: Picard (and Star Trek: Discovery before it). I couldn’t look away … Guess what, though? Halfway through its first season, the show ate itself, and reincarnated as something better. (I only wish Star Trek: Picard and Star Trek: Discovery could do the same.) The Pilot Steve Carell…
Star Trek: Picard ~ A Season One Review
Thanks to the smouldering unholy shitfest that is Star Trek: Picard (2020 – ), it’s jumped the queue and demanded a blog. Star Trek: Picard is the worst television show I’ve ever seen. The first season just finished with a bang of stupidity. With so much stupidity piled on so much stupidity, you’d think stupidity would grow redundant at some point. Nope. There are apparently always new ways to find it, to use it, to highlight it. I accept storytelling as an artistic form that’s considered subjective. We all have different tastes. We also have different tolerance thresholds. But there’s a realm where we predominantly begin to recognize something as bad.…