• The Other Me

    The Other Me

    ‘Falling’ vi. Saturday night, I went out with my friend Stan, drank more than I should’ve, and was able to forget everything for the time being. It was nice to be me again, if only for a little bit. Sunday morning I woke, dreading a hangover, but feeling okay – there was no anxiety, no headaches, nothing of any kind, other than for some tiredness from the night before. In the afternoon, my cousin Chris came over. He was my number one reader of anything I wrote, and I was going to show him what little I had of Book Two – an entire chapter. I usually wrote quickly and…

  • The Other Me

    The Other Me

    ‘Falling’ v. One night, I took a Euhypnos at 10.00 pm, went to bed, and was asleep an hour later. At 1.30 I was wide awake and worried the anxiety would creep in. I took another Euhypnos, fell asleep, and that was that. When I ran out of Euhypnos shortly afterwards, I made an appointment to see Dr Cook. Unfortunately, I wasn’t aware he worked at two clinics, and the same phone number serviced both. So I returned to the clinic where I originally saw him only to find that he was at the other. Another GP, Dr Chan, saw me. I recounted my situation. He wrote me a prescription…