Here’s my writing journey – and it applies to all forms I’ve written in: short stories, screenplays, and novels. But I’ll use novels as the model. I’ll write a novel, revise, submit. Rejection. I’ll submit again. Rejection. And again. Rejection. I’ll revise again and again and again. Submit. Rejection. Submit elsewhere. Rejection. Submit all around. I might get a nibble here, a request for the whole manuscript, or a glowing personalized rejection, but a rejection all the same. Rejection. Then, after getting over the initial frustration and wanting to quit writing, I’ll start a new book, and vow that this one will be different. This book will be THE ONE.…
Making a Family
Only one day of filming this weekend, as I was at the Words in Winter Writers Festival in Daylesford on Sunday conducting a workshop on character. On Saturday, we filmed a number of the scenes between the two central characters, Vic (Cam Faull) and Maria (Maria Tevelis). I’ll start with Maria, who’s also a producer on Little Diva Rising, and a lot of the driving force behind the production. When Tony asked me to write him a feature screenplay some years ago, he asked me to write parts for actor-friends. This is who Tony is – he is always looking out for and trying to help others. It didn’t make…