This has been a lacklustre week in terms of productivity for a variety of reasons. One is just general busyness in everyday life – something I’m sure every writer has to navigate. There’s always work, household responsibilities, social obligations, and the list goes on. I always try to put some time aside every night to write, because I do believe writing – if you’re to be successful in finishing anything you begin – is about two things: routine and momentum. You build momentum, the writing comes easier – you think more about your story, possibilities start occurring to you, you look forward to getting back to it. You don’t build…
I’m starting immediately with the lie: last week I wrote, I can live with rejection. I can’t – not really. I get on with it, because that’s what you need to do. If I’ve sent a short story or article out and it’s been rejected, I might give it another read when it returns, then send it out elsewhere. A book obviously is too big to treat like that, but if it’s been rejected from a number of places, I might earmark it as something to revise when I have time. But, as much as it’s a reality of writing, rejection hurts. I write, I invest myself in this project,…