If I asked you to guess what jobs were being advertised here … 1. WANTED Do you spend all your time thinking about how to hurt people? How to torment them? How to torture them? Are there no depths you’ve haven’t ploughed? Ruin their relationships, destroy their families, dredge up the secrets from their past, and set them onto a course to oblivion? Do you not only contemplate all these courses – and more – but also take delight in them? Do you relish the damage that you can do? Do you take joy in your own cleverness? Do you take your plans and go over and over and over…
To write a novel, you need to write regularly – again, as I wrote last week, everybody has to devise their own methodology. The only qualifier is that it has to be productive. How do you know if your schedule is productive? Well, I think certain symptoms appear when you don’t write enough: you lose interest in your story you struggle to remember what you were going to do next you have to go back over what you have done to remember what you’ve written it feels like some indecipherable mess it all seems too hard. Writing a novel is like rehabbing an injury – when you don’t rehab it,…