The Other Me
‘Looking For Answers’ v. I had another test to check on whether I had a tumour, which might be producing too much insulin in my body. Part of me hoped the test would come up positive – they could operate, cut it out, and everything would be okay. Simple enough, surgery aside. But the tests came back clear. Endocrinology then booked me in for a glucose test the following week, like they give to pregnant woman to check if pregnancy has caused gestational diabetes. I fasted from midnight, got to the hospital in the morning, and had my blood taken. This would give them a baseline reading of my blood…
The Other Me
‘Looking For Answers’ iv. 1.6? 1.6? Panic exploded in my head. I grabbed dinner, reheated it, and wolfed it down. After I was done, I tested again, holding my breath as the little machine calculated. 4.2. Back to normal, although a low normal. Still, it was normal. So that was something. The next day, Friday, I made sure I ate, and tested obsessively, but figures remained okay. I wanted to talk to Dr Warren about it, but he didn’t work Fridays. I did call Saturday morning, and informed the receptionist I’d gotten a low reading. She asked how low, and when I told her, she gasped, which was no assurance…