• Sleeping Wide Awake


    The very first melancholy episode I can remember experiencing occurred when I was ten. It was a simple moment of darkness, of feeling inexplicably down. Given it arrived with little surprise, things must’ve been happening earlier that normalised this for me, although I don’t recall anything specific. These episodes got worse through my teens, along with periods of agitation, punctuated by the occasional manic burst of energy. But I learned to mask it all as best as I could, although that wasn’t always easy. These things made it hard to fit in, hard to connect, hard to be like everybody else. Everything was an act. I looked like one of…

  • Books

    Any More Complicated Than That

      Title: Any More Complicated Than That Publisher: ECG Press Publication Date: 1 December 2024 Category: Contemporary Paperback: (216mm x 140mm) ISBN Print: 978-0-6454853-9-4 Ebook: 978-0-6454853-8-7 Skip Lago is a thirty-something bestselling author, a neurotic savant who lives for nothing but his writing and has trouble connecting with the real world. His wife, Sherry Killian, is a brilliant editor, a woman widely respected in the publishing industry, but who feels her personal needs aren’t being met. Jake Rappaport has just realized his dream of opening his own bar, but his true passion has always been his shameless, if not vindictive, womanizing. A chance meeting unlocks a series of events where Skip, Sherry,…