August Falling
Title: August Falling Publisher: Pantera Press Publication Date: 2 September 2018 Category: Suburban Noir Paperback: (234x153mm, 295 pages) ISBN Print: 978-1-925700-03-9 Ebook: 978-1-925700-07-7 The past. Sometimes we can’t escape it. After a bad relationship, August is trying to piece his life back together. It’s not perfect. His flat is small, he works in a call centre, he can ‘t finish the book he’s working on, and he’s socially challenged when it comes to women. When August meets Julie, he finds she’s everything he isn’t – confident, composed, and purposeful, despite her troubled childhood. With her, August finally begins to feel he can be himself. But Julie has a secret that…
Just Another Week in Suburbia
Title: Just Another Week in Suburbia Publisher: Pantera Press Publication Date: 2 September 2017 Category: Suburban Noir Paperback: (234x153mm, 330 pages) ISBN Print: 978-1-921997-84-6 Ebook: 978-1-921997-93-8 Casper Gray goes to bed a happily married man. He wakes up questioning whether everything is a lie. Life in suburbia holds few surprises for Casper. He and his wife Jane are still trying for a baby after seven years. His neighbours have their quirks to be navigated. And his job as a high school teacher, while satisfying, comes with its challenges. Every day is much like the one before – that is, until Casper makes a discovery that threatens everything he knows… As…