The Shadow in the Wind
Title: The Shadow in the Wind Author: Lazaros Zigomanis Price (Paperback): $20.00 Publication Date: 8 April 2019 Format: Paperback (198x129mm, 142 pages) ISBN Print: 978-0-6484789-0-4 Ebook: 978-1-925830-83-5 Category: Fiction There’s always hope. At six, almost seven, Keene can’t understand what’s wrong with Mum. She lies in bed in the spare room, wasting away, even though she’s hooked up to a bag that is meant to make her feel better. Dad describes Mum’s illness like ‘a darkness inside her’. But Keene’s sure something else is responsible. He’s sure it’s the shadow that’s killing her. So, one stormy day, Keene decides to go on an adventure into the bush with just…
The Launch Book
Title: The Launch Book (The Easy Publishing Series) Author: Les Zigomanis Publication Date: 22 April 2015 Format: Paperback (181x111mm, 70 pages) ISBN: 978-0-9925226-0-5 Category: Nonfiction You’ve written and published a book, and you have the first hot copy in your hands. What’s next? Writing and publishing a book is an incredible achievement, and it shouldn’t go unheralded. What a book really needs when it comes into the world is a launch to celebrate its arrival. But what does a launch entail? The Launch Book is a simple guide that will talk you through the requirements of organising a launch and ensure that all your hard work is duly celebrated.