• Inside Entertainment,  Life of the Mind,  Little Diva Rising

    Chasing the Magic

    It might be surprising (← humour) that (at times) I can be difficult to work with. I take the creation of story very seriously, so if somebody’s screwing around it can frustrate me. That’s not to say that creation can’t and shouldn’t be fun, but there always times and places. When it’s not one of those times and places, I want to get things done because getting things done moves the process forward. The process being advanced invites new ideas. That generates evolution. Evolution realises the vision. That vision is something that can be diluted when the focus shifts, or it can be lost when there’s too much disparate discussion.…

  • Inside Entertainment,  Media Rants

    The Contemporary Blockbuster

    I had a couple of hours to kill the other week so I saw Monster’s University and was entertained from beginning to end. Here’s a film that tells a story, where the characters have arcs and the climax is justified for containing action – although here it is understated and clever, rather than over-the-top and in-your-face. You have to commend Pixar, who regularly knock out great movies – movies you can enjoy whether you’re a kid or an adult. Amazingly, using CGI, Pixar have the facility to be as outrageous and explosive as they want – there’s no limits with CGI, after all – and yet instead, the CGI is…