The Other Me
‘The Good Doctor’ vi. Once I was whole. Now something was broken. And it was like there’d never be any fixing it, there’d never be any not knowing what it had been like before. And it was growing. Taking control. Fracturing me further. Becoming me in a way that affected my every thought, my every decision, my every action. That wasn’t just the first thing I knew when I woke the next morning, but the only thing. I ate breakfast, watched TV, and then the survival game began again: get through each second, count down every minute, watch the hours tick by, until I could go back to bed, find…
The Other Me
‘The Good Doctor’ v. I used to wake up and, like most people, would be on autopilot. I’d do whatever there was to do, move through the day, and not have a single thought about it. It was that simple. Now, whenever I woke, there was this thing to greet me, this unease threatening to blow. I was aware of – trapped by – every thought, and they all felt wrong. I wanted to get out of the inside of my head, back on autopilot, but autopilot was broken. All that remained was surviving the moment. When I woke this morning, I was sure I wouldn’t make it through the…