• The Other Me

    The Other Me

    ‘Pharmaceutical Daze’ v. Towards the end of the year, Stan went out drinking with friends one night, and when they got back to his place Stan got it into his head to take his car for a joyride. The guys with him, Tim and Jay, tried to talk him out of it, but once Stan got something in his head it was impossible to get it out of there. The best thing to do was chaperone him and make sure he didn’t hurt himself or anybody else. Stan jumped into his car, while Tim and Jay followed in Tim’s. Only Stan sideswiped a telephone pole. He drove his damaged car…

  • The Other Me

    The Other Me

    ‘Pharmaceutical Daze’ iv. Gradually, Ativan stopped working on me. But instead of it losing its effect, something else happened. Whenever I took one, the anxiety mutated into a disquiet where everything around me seemed almost unreal. One night, after taking an Ativan, I walked to my bedroom and saw down the hallway, by my parents’ bedroom, a hazy greenish-blue blob just sitting there on the carpet. I approached and it dissolved. I went to bed, petrified, and saw two other smaller blobs on the bedside drawer. Closing my eyes, I told myself I was okay. When I opened my eyes the blobs were gone. There was no doubt the Ativan…