The Other Me
‘The Other Me’ i. While all this was going on, my relationship with Allie continued to have its ups and downs. During my initial recovery, she would sometimes get me, and take me to her place, just to get me out. Or she’d pick me up after some of my nerve blocks, and take me home. As usual, her efforts were generous and big-hearted. But, conversely, we still argued about lots of the same things, until I felt myself splitting in two, unsure of what direction to take – wanting it to work, but learning to accept it wouldn’t. The anxiety and stress became ingrained in my head, in my…
The Other Me
‘The Broken Road’ vii. Through physio and hard work, I rebuilt my right leg so the calf was only a half-inch smaller than the left calf. But the damage meant I was restricted. I couldn’t walk down stairs normally, or stoop on the right leg to grab something out of a drawer, for instance, because I no longer had that flexion in my ankle. Uneven ground was treacherous, because the strength in the right ankle struggled to support me. I could no longer run. Barefoot, I always had a limp. When I wore runners, I could usually walk okay for about thirty minutes or so with discomfort, but then discomfort…