• Sleeping Wide Awake


    In 2011, a car ran a light and struck me down at a traffic crossing, breaking my right leg and dislocating my ankle. Later, I would learn that as the bones broke, they hooked the nerve, and wishboned, stretching the nerve (and keeping it stretched until surgery remedied the problem over six hours later). So nerve damage was thrown into the mix. And then, the injury incited Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), a disconnect between the way my foot and leg communicate with my brain, and how they report sensation, movement, and pain. For two years, I had to do physio three times a day at home and three times…

  • Sleeping Wide Awake


    Lying in bed at night, I think about the things I never want to hear again. I never want to hear one of IDIOT FRIEND’s bullshit excuses for why he hasn’t done work assigned to him (he once told me he hadn’t take pictures I required for a pitch deck because he couldn’t hold the camera straight due to our thirty-second earthquake), any of his mindless (and unsubstantiated) attacks, or any of his remorseful but shitty, provisional apologies. Sometimes, you offer perfunctory acceptance in return because it’s just too much effort to extract yourself from a mire of shit, stupidity, and idiocy. That’s why so many people persevere with terrible…