• Sleeping Wide Awake


    When I was sixteen I broke my right arm playing football. I was flipped in midair as I leaped to spoil a certain mark. Complications meant I needed plates inserted. Then there was significant nerve damage – I couldn’t feel the lower half of my right hand, the ring finger, and small finger. I had to wear a brace around my hand that forced my fingers to flex when the rest of the hand flexed. Once I started feeling again, the brace bit excruciatingly into my right hand, particularly my palm. Well, that’s the way it felt thanks to the damage. I started wearing a fingerless glove – the genesis…

  • Sleeping Wide Awake


    I had a falling out with a friend over a film production we were trying to get up six years ago. The issue was meant to be settled shortly after,  but whenever we have any new disagreement, it becomes the fuel for him to attack me. He has no self-control in these times. He verbally eviscerates me, then apologizes a day later, citing he’s hot headed. He thinks this is okay. It’s not that he’s intentionally malicious. But this is his methodology, the way he’s programmed to respond. He doesn’t have the self-awareness to change. And his logic has always been that friends argue, they forgive one another, and they…