• Contemporaneous: A Living Novel

    Contemporaneous: Chapters’ 6 & 7

    6. I never knew when I went from somebody who enjoyed working, who looked forward to editing and writing, to somebody who worked to pay the bills, and looked forward to the weekend for some respite, and writing became a habit, like smoking, that I just kept doing because it had become so ingrained in my life. Once I get home, I lay on my bed, and try to let my mind wander. When I was younger – like in my twenties – I used to be able to just let go, and let my mind wander without focus or direction, without needing to explore any thought that cropped up,…

  • Contemporaneous: A Living Novel

    Contemporaneous: Chapters’ 4 & 5

    4. This is too much too soon. It’s terrible structure. If I was editing this, I’d say there’s too much negative focus on Lana, and not enough of whatever the relationship was before. There’s no balance. It needs balance to introduce the characters and my world, although there’s no real plot – there is, sorta, in my head, although I don’t know how well it’ll be realised until my death, but more of that later, too. The morning’s a simple routine: some stretches trying to get flexibility back into my neck and back, play my shots in Words with Friends (a Scrabble knockoff) as I brush my teeth, shower, and…